Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP)
The State has established and maintains an advisory panel for the purpose of providing policy guidance with respect to special education and related services for children with disabilities in the State.
Panel Information
Application for Panel Membership
Note to applicants: Applications received after May 15 of any given year may not be reviewed/confirmed until the following May 15, dependent upon panel vacancies.
IDEA Data Center Part B FFY 2020-2025 SPP/APR
Scheduled and Past Meetings
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, effective September 15, 2022, all notices of the meetings of the Arizona Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP) and any of its committees, task forces, subcommittees, advisory committees, and public hearings will be posted virtually on the Panel’s website and posted physically in the lobby of the Arizona Department of Education Office located at 1535 W Jefferson St, Phoenix, AZ 85007.
A courtesy copy of public postings can be found at the Arizona Department of Education Office located at 100 N. 15th AVE, Phoenix, AZ 85007; please request copies in advance by emailing the SEAP Inbox.
Board Meetings, Committee Meetings, and Public Hearings are currently being held virtually and in-person. To speak at a meeting, please register using the link provided on the agenda of the meeting at which you wish to speak.
If you wish to participate in person and are not a SEAP Member, please email Rebekah Arrowsmith.
Agenda 11/19/2024 - Zoom Link
Reports from the Field
Video Recording
- Arizona Data Trends
- PEA Determinations
- Indicator 8-Parent Involvement
- Indicator 11-Child Find
- Indicator 12-Early Childhood Transition
- Indicator 13-Secondary Transition
- Indicator 14-Post School Outcomes
Agenda 9/24/2024 - Zoom Link
Reports from the Field
Indicators 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7
SEAP National Current Topics/Updates:
- National Current Topic Agenda
- Current Issues
- Panel Membership/Duties
- General Supervision Puzzle
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- DMS Activities Handout
- Indicators
ADE Updates/State Board Updates
The video may be found here.
- Indicators 4, 9 and 10
- PEA Determinations Model Discussion
- IDEA Surrogate Parents Presentation/AZTAS Document
- Current Issues for School Psychologists Presentation / School Psych Data
- ADE Updates
- Reports from the Field
- Assessment Results for 2023
- Indicators 3, 15, 16, 17
- SSIP Presentation
- Life of Miguel Presentation
Alt ELPA Proficiency Counts by Disability
2023 Annual Report
Agenda 12/1/2023
Minutes from 12/1/2023 Meeting
SEAP Proposal Re Transition Planning to the AZ SBE December 2023
Video For Morning Session:
Video for Afternoon Session:
Agenda 11/9/2023
Minutes from 11/9/2023 Meeting
Agenda 10/25/2023
Minutes from 10/25/2023 Meeting
Agenda 9/22/2023
Minutes from 9/22/20223 Meeting
- Reports from the Field
- Alternate Assessment Presentation
- Indicators 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7
- SEAP National Current Topics/Updates
- SBE SEAP Proposal 1 June 2023 - Age for Transition Planning
- ADE Updates
Minutes for 9/19/2023 SEAP Meeting - AM Only
Video for 9/19/2023 SEAP Meeting - PM Only
Agenda: 7/11/2023
Minutes from 7/11/2023 Meeting
Agenda: 3/31/2023
Minutes from 3/31/2023 Meeting
- Reports from the Field
- Dispute Resolutions/State Complaint Trends
- Arizona State Board of Education Presentation and Discussion
- Indicators 9 and 10
- Special Education Funding Overview
- ADE Update
Agenda: 3/7/2023
Minutes from 3/7/2023 Meeting
Agenda: 3/7/2023
Minutes from 3/7/2023 Meeting
Agenda: 1/27/2023
Minutes from 1/27/2023 Meeting
- Reports from the Field
- Indicator 3 and 7 Presentations
- Indicator 17 Presentation
- Special Education Cost Study Update
- ADE Updates
Documents: 2022 Annual Report
Agenda: 1/9/2023
Minutes from 1/9/2023 Meeting
Agenda: 11/18/2022
Minutes from 11/18/2022 Meeting
- Reports from the Field
- Indicators 5, 6, 8, 12 & 14 Presentations
- Arizona Special Education Population Trends
- Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education)
- Indicators 15 & 16 Presentation / Dispute Resolution Actions & Data for School Year 2021-2022
Agenda: 11/1/2022
Minutes from 11/1/2022 Meeting
Agenda: 9/30/2022
Minutes from 9/30/2022 Meeting
Agenda: 9/27/2022
Courtesy Notice
- Reports from the Field
- Special Education Cost Study
- SEAP National Current Topics/Updates
- Indicators 11 and 13
- Classroom Certification Model
- Reports from the Field
- Special Education Cost Study
- Fiscal Update
- Indicators 4, 9 and 10
- ESS Retention & Recruitment
- Preschool Special Education Transition from Early Intervention Proposed Policies and Procedures
- Reports from the Field
- Update of K-5 Literacy Endorsement
- SPP/APR Presentation
- Students in Foster Care Receiving Special Education
- 2021 SEAP Annual Report
- Reports from the Field
- Assessment Updates
- EL Service Models
- Indicator 3
- Indicator 17
- Special Education Cost Study
Recording: Part 1 and Part 2
- Reports from the Field
- Proposed SEAP By-Laws
- Presentation of Indicators 4, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13
- SEAP Roles, Duties & Nation Current Topics – John Copenhaver
- Review of Arizona Special Education Programs and Cost
- Hot Topics in Special Education
Accompanying Documents:
- Data Presentation
- New State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Plan Package (SPP/APR)
- Engagement Strategies in Virtual Instruction
- Reading Certification/Endorsement Update - Postponed
Accompanying Documents:
- Reports from the field (right-click and download to view)
- ELA Updates
- SSIP Updates
- Behavior Intervention for Students with Disabilities
- Indicator 4: Rates of Suspension & Indicators 9 & 10: Disproportionate Representation
- Early Childhood Transition Policy and Procedure Updates
Accompanying Documents:
- SEAP End-of-Year Report
- Assessment Updates
- Group Home Population
- Indicators 3, 7, and 12
- Indicator 8 - Parent Involvement
- Indicator 14 - Post School Outcomes
- Part C – CSPD
Accompanying Documents:
Early Childhood Special Education Inclusion Task Force Presentation
Indicators 1, 2, 13 & 14 Presentation
(Graduation Rate, Dropout Rate, Secondary Transition and Post-School Outcomes)
Arizona’s Dyslexia Plan (Presented by ADE)
State Performance Plan / Annual Performance Report FFY 2018
Accompanying Documents:
- Reports from the Field
- Indicators 5, 6 & 11
- Indicators 15 & 16
- SEAP Roles, Duties & National Current Topics
DRAFT Letter to Superintendent of Public Instruction
FINAL Letter to Superintendent of Public Instruction
Approved Minutes 1/21/20 (to be posted shortly after the June 2 meeting)
Procedure for Submitting Public Comment: All public comments for the meeting will be accepted in written form only. All public comments will be posted on the SEAP website and will not be read. All public comments are due to SEAP staff by 8:30 p.m. on Monday, June 1, 2020 via the Request to Speak Form and will be posted on the SEAP website and available for review by the start of the SEAP Meeting on June 2, 2020.
There are two ways to submit written comments:
- Via email: [email protected]
- Via USPS: 3300 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012
Handouts for the meeting (PowerPoint Presentations will be available after the meeting)
- Reports from the Field
- Indicators 4, 9, and 10: Rates of Suspension and Expulsion and Indicators and Disproportionate Representation Due to Inappropriate Identification
- Indicator 17: State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)
- Compensatory Education Services
- Extended School Year (ESY)
- IDEA Funding Updates
Chat Log from Arizona Special Education Advisory Panel Meeting June 2, 2020
This meeting has been cancelled as of March 17, 2020Agenda 1/21/20 Approved Minutes 1/21/20 (to be posted shortly after the June 2 meeting) Handouts and presentations from the meeting- IDEA Part C- AZEIP Process
- SPP/APR Update- Indicators 5, 6, 11, 12
- Indicator 5- Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
- Indicator 6- Preschool LRE
- Indicator 11- Evaluation Timelines
- Indicator 12- Preschool Transition
- SPP/APR Update- Indicators 15, 16
- Indicator 15- Resolution Sessions
- Indicator 16- Mediation
- AZELLA & SPED Exit Policy Changes
- FFY 19 SPP/APR Targets
- Open Meeting Law
Approved Minutes 11/5/19 Handouts and presentations from the meeting
- Dyslexia Legislation Update
- SPP/APR Update- Indicators 1, 2, 13, 14
- Indicator 1 Graduation Rates
- Indicator 2 Dropout Rates
- Indicator 13 Secondary Transitions with IEP Goals
- Indicator 14 Post-School Outcomes
- Secondary Transition Update
- Certification Update
- Social Wellness Supports
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Bekah Arrowsmith. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Bekah Arrowsmith. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Bekah Arrowsmith. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Bekah Arrowsmith. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Bekah Arrowsmith. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Bekah Arrowsmith. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Bekah Arrowsmith. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Jason Baggs. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Jason Baggs. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Meeting was canceled due to a lack of quorum. If you have questions, please contact Jeannette Zemeida. Agenda 11-14-17
Emergency Special Education Advisory Panel Meeting
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Jeannette Zemeida. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Agenda 9-26-17 Approved Minutes 9/26/17
Emergency Special Education Advisory Panel Meeting
Purpose: To discuss the proposed special education state board rule package (Arizona Administrative Code R7-2-401) and provide comments to the State Board of Education prior to the August 28, 2017 State Board meeting.
Handouts from the meeting are available upon request by emailing Jeannette Zemeida. Please note if accessible formatting is needed.
Special Education Advisory Panel Contact Information
(602) 542-5446