Eight modules are offered that require approximately 30–45 minutes of attendance each:
Session 1: So, What's This All About?
Session 2: Overview of the COS Process
Session 3: Completing the COS Process
Session 4: The 7-Point Scale
Session 5: Determining a Rating
Session 6: Good Teaming, Good Decisions
Session 7: Documenting the COS Rating
Session 8: The Exit COS Rating
Resources Referenced in Module
Review the Arizona-specific COS Process Reference Guide (coming soon).
2. Identify Tools and Methods to Be Used in the COS Process
Age-Anchoring Tool: provides descriptions of the developmental skills and behaviors expected across the ages within each of the three outcomes areas. COS Process teams should be familiar with expected behaviors to rate children’s performance.
COS Rating Definitions: a 1–7 scale is used to rate the degree to which a child demonstrates the skills and behaviors expected for each outcome area. Scores of 6–7 reflect overall age-appropriate skills and behaviors. Scores of 1–5 reflect overall lack of age-appropriate skills and behaviors.
Decision Tree: a flow chart that supports teams to determine a COS rating.
Student COS Documentation Recording Form: a sample method for representing the evidence that must be maintained by the district for its selection of a COS Rating for each outcome area. The form includes the type of COS score (e.g., entry or exit) and the team makeup. Each PEA must have a method for maintaining documentation of the decisions made by the team.
Published tools: a sample of the tools that have been utilized by states to support the selection of a COS score are included here. These tools have crosswalks created by ECTA between the published tool and the outcomes areas to align domain specific items to outcome areas:
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Third Edition (ABAS-3)
Inform parents about the Child Outcomes and the measurement process
Include families in the assessment process
Review Child Outcomes with families
Because PEAs are required to report on the percent of parents of children receiving special education services who report that the school facilitated their involvement (SPP/APR Indicator 8), family participation through the COS process is one way to purposefully engage parents early in their child's education.
4. Develop COS Process Skills Through Team Practice Activities
The Exceptional Student Services Data Management team will host the next live Special Education Data Updates webinar on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm.
Annually, the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) is required to report special education (SPED) data to the federal government. The October 1 Data Collection (ODC) is part of that process and is required by all Public Education Agencies (PEAs).