Arizona Physical Education Standards
Physical Education Standards
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Look for the word CASE next to each of our Word and PDF files. The Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange, is the framework that allows for the navigation and integration of Arizona Academic Standards.
Physical Education Webinars
Recess Law
On April 4, 2018, Senate Bill 1083 was signed into law. The law requires all schools that have grades K-5 provide two recess periods per school day. Per the law, recess is defined as “a period of time during the regular school day, including time before or after a scheduled lunch period, during which a pupil is able to engage in physical activity or social interaction with other pupils”.
Introduction to the Physical Education Standards | (Word version) (Approved May 2015)
Physical Education Standards, Certification and Resources PE Standards Coding PE Scoring Guide Arizona Health Standards
Recess QuestionsPhysical Education Questions