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Program Area: Accountability & Research
Accountability publishes many public reports for the Arizona Department of Education. These reports include state assessment results, graduation rates, dropout rates, and enrollment data.
Program Area: Educator Retention and Recruitment
Program Area: Special Education
The Special Education Data Dashboard (SEDD) is a one-stop-shop for public education agencies (PEAs) to securely view their unique education data and provide public statewide data with redaction.
Program Area: Career and Technical Education
Program Area: Assessments
AZELLAThe Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) is a standards-based assessment that meets both state and federal requirements to measure students' English language proficie
Program Area: Move On When Reading
Each school literacy plan reports the K-3 literacy efforts to be implemented in the coming school year.
Program Area: K-12 Academic Standards
The Early Literacy Grant (ELG) is literacy-focused funding for eligible schools serving our most at-risk populations in grades Kindergarten through third grade.
Program Area: Homeless Education
The McKinney-Vento Act requires State Coordinators to provide professional development opportunities for LEA personnel and the LEA liaison to assist them in identifying a
Program Area: Adult Education Services
Program Area: Achievement Tutoring
Achievement Tutoring | Parents & Families Arizona Department of Education (ADE) Announces
Program Area: Office of Communications
PHOENIX – State schools chief Tom Horne issued the following statement in response to Governor Hobbs’ letter critical of the risk-based auditing approach for Empowerment Scholarship Program reimbursements:
Program Area: Health and Nutrition Services
Program Area: Career and Technical Education
Program Description/Industry Credentials/Coherent Sequence/Teacher Certification - W
Program Area: Accountability & Research
Forms 15-915 - Submitting Prior Y
Program Area: Special Education
The Exceptional Student Services Data Management team will host the next live webinar on Special Education Data Updates on Wednesday, January 15, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Program Area: Special Education
We were unable to finalize the SPED07 report yesterday as planned. AzEDS integrity processing for the evening of December 11 had to be done manually and did not finish until 2:30 pm yesterday. However, this did not affect the October 1 Special Education Reconciliation results.
Program Area: Special Education
ADE/ESS is acutely aware of the shortage of qualified special education teachers and related service providers across Arizona.
Program Area: Achievement Tutoring
Achievement Tutoring | Tutoring ProvidersArizona Department of Education (ADE) Announces the Completion of Achievement Tutoring Program (ATP)Dear Vendo