The Arts Education Data Project is a report by the Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Citizens for the Arts, and the Arizona Commission on the Arts which offers insights into arts course access and participation rates in Arizona schools. Quadrant Research prepared the report which features analysis of all available school enrollment data self-reported through the Arizona Department of Education’s AZEDS system by schools across the state, both traditional public schools and charter, grades K through 12. Visit the Art Education Data Explorer Project.
Americans are highly engaged in the arts and believe more strongly than ever that the arts promote personal well-being, help us understand other cultures in our community, are essential to a well-rounded K-12 education, and that government has an important role in funding the arts. This is What Americans Say About the Arts in 2018. Arizonans Speak Out About The Arts in 2018: An In-Depth Look at Perceptions and Attitudes About the Arts PDF.
The Arts ARE Education is a new national campaign in support of arts education for all students. As states and schools work through multiple challenges in the years ahead, arts education must remain central to a well-rounded education and fully funded to support the well-being of all students and the entire school community.
Beginning in July 2018, Arizona Citizens for the Arts (AzCA), with the support of the David and Lura Lovell Foundation and the assistance of ckSYNERGY, convened a Steering Committee comprised of leaders from across the state to build an Initiative that drives systemic change to ensure Arts Education access and equity for every student in Arizona. In order to inform the creation of this Initiative, the committee and consultants sought comprehensive input from across the state of Arizona through listening sessions and a survey; conducted interviews with similar organizations across the country; and reviewed literature and studies. Read the Report from the initial work of this Initiative
The Arts Advisory & Action Committee or A3C is an advocacy initiative created by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE). Having numerous iterations over the years, the current A3C convening is centered on gathering arts education stakeholders together in a shared space allowing ADE to better engage with the supporting of the needs and challenges of this specialized group of educators.
ADE has partnered with Arizona Commission on the Arts (ACA), and together, ADE and ACA will tour the state to engage stakeholders within their own communities. These meetings are free and open to the public. We encourage teachers, teaching artists, community arts organizations, administrators, parents, and policymakers to attend an event in YOUR area! Data collected through this community will be reviewed by our RTAC Leadership Team, and communicated to education and state leaders.
For more information about this advocacy group and joining A3C, contact [email protected] or call (602) 542-5179.
State Profiles - Learn more about the state Arts and Cultural Production 2019 for Arizona
The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that arts and cultural production accounts for $10,874,706,000 and 2.9% of the Arizona economy, contributing 89,033 jobs.