On April 4, 2018, Senate Bill 1083 was signed into law. The law requires all schools that have grades K-5 to provide two recess periods per school day. Per the law, recess is defined as “a period of time during the regular school day, including the time before or after a scheduled lunch period, during which a pupil is able to engage in physical activity or social interaction with other pupils”.
For an overview of Recess Policies in Arizona, please click on the video below.
Let’s Play Arizona Recess Toolkit The Arizona Recess Toolkit is designed to provide school leaders and teachers with information, guidance, and tools that will make the implementation of the new law easier.
SHAPE America Strategies for Recess in Schools SHAPE America had developed new guidance documents that provide schools with 19 evidence-based strategies for recess, as well as a planning guide and template to help develop a written recess plan that integrates these strategies. Provided daily, along with effective health and physical education classes, recess supports SHAPE America’s 50 Million Strong commitment to empowering all kids to lead active and healthy lives.
GoNoodle GoNoodle has Indoor Recess videos designed to get your students moving during recess time.