Buckeye Union High School District
The ESSER III funds will enable BUHSD to address the learning gaps created due to the pandemic. BUHSD allocates its Title I, Title III, IDEA, and GEAR Up grants to serve our low-income families, students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, and children in foster care. We maximize our funds to support our students in intervention programs and school continuous improvement efforts. Our goal is to eliminate barriers that negatively impact academic proficiency by providing embedded intervention inside and outside of the school day. ESSER III will enable BUHSD to provide rigorous interventions, keep our students engaged and safe, and continue with academic growth.
BUHSD uses an internal data system to track student progress through formative and summative assessments. This data is regularly analyzed by individual teachers, content and department teams, counselors/GEAR Up Coaches, and administrators to identify trends of all students and to plan for interventions for individual students. Through the pandemic, the data being analyzed more consistently also includes attendance and grades. This information will be used to design specific intervention programs before, during, and after the school day, on weekends, and in the summer. The data will also be used to identify individual students for such programs.
Mental Health Counselors, Psychologists, Service Coordinators, School Counselors, and GEAR Up Coaches will monitor individual students for mental health supports in addition to the academic supports.